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Teatro-musical do alumnado de 6º de Educación Primaria

Cangas Grease and I Feel Good by Ross Pirsig


Everyone had a great time performing the two acts Grease and I Feel Good. Boys and girls who would normally stay quiet in class pushed themselves to become entertaining actors and dancers - even for just an hour or so.


The students of San Roque had to consider many things for the final performances. These include speaking loud, expressing emotion, and remembering what they need to say. On behalf of everyone involved, I can confirm that we saw all three things onstage.


We all learned something valuable from this theatrical experience. For some, speaking in front of an audience was easy, for others it seemed impossible. But everyone pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and grew as creative boys and girls in this journey we call ‘’Life’’.




Thank you to everyone involved. And thank you children!


Cangas Grease e I Feel good . Ross Pirsig


Todos e todas o pasaron ben actuando nas dúas obras Grease e  I feel Good. Nenos e  nenas que decotío estarían tranquilos e tranquilas na clase  esforzáronse por converterse en actores e actrices,  bailaríns e bailarinas durante arredor dunha hora.


Os alumnos e alumnas de San Roque tiveron que considerar moitos aspectos interpretativos  para levar a cabo as actuacións finais. Estes inclúen falar alto, expresar emoción e lembrar o que teñen que dicir. En representación de todos e todas os/as implicados/as podo confirmar que vimos estes tres aspectos no escenario.


Todos e todas  aprendemos algo valioso desta experiencia teatral. Para algúns/ algunhas falar en fronte do público era fácil, para outros/as parecía imposible. Pero todo o mundo se esforzou e saíu da súa zona de comodidade e creceron como nenos e nenas nesta viaxe chamada

“ Vida “.

Grazas a todos/ as os implicados/ as e grazas nenos e nenas.


Pinchando sobre a imaxe poderedes ver algunhas imaxes da representación

book | by Dr. Radut