
The last 2 weeks the students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th have been preparing for Carnival by creating different animal masks. Each stuednt was given a mask template to cut out and various materials to decorate the mask. When finished the students attached an elastic band to the mask in order for them to be worn.

Class 1: The students created hippo and panda masks. The hippos were decorated with pink and silver paper. The pandas were decorated with different types of black paper, pink paper for the ears, and cotton.

Class 2: The sudents created zebra and giraffe masks. The zebras were decorated with differnt types of black paper and some pink paper for the ears. The giraffes were decorated with different types of brown, yellow, and orange paper. 

Class 3: The students created snake and eagle masks. The snakes were decorated with lentils, green and yellow paint, and red paper for the tongue. The eagles were decorated with different colored feathers and paper, as well as orange paper for the beak.

Class 4: The students created koala and racoon masks. The koalas were decorated with grey, black, white and pink paint, black felt paper, and cotton for the ears. The racoons were decorated with grey, black, and white paint, black felt paper, and cotton for the ears.



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