Easter Holiday Celebrations

Before Easter Break, we were busy preparing for our holiday festivities. We made lots of crafts in celebration of the upcoming holiday. Each class was assigned a specific project and everyone did their part to finish in time for Easter Break. 


Antes das vacacións de Pascua estivemos moi ocupados preparando a festividade. Fixemos moitas manualidades para a celebración. Cada clase levou a cabo un proxecto diferente. 



With each class doing their part, we were able to decorate our school halls with beautiful cards, drawings, flowers, paintings, etc. You can find pictures of our exhibit below. Additionally, we added the Easter Eggs that our students made at home with their parents to our Easter Exhibition. Thank you so much for your collaboration as this would not have been possible without your support! We appreciate it and know that the students do as well! 


Con cada clase facendo a sua parte, puidemos decorar as paredes do noso "English Corridor" con fermosas tarxetas, debuxos, flores, pinturas, etc. Como cada ano, incluímos os ovos que o alumnado e as familias preparastes na casa. Moitísimas grazas pola vosa colaboración! 













Upon our return to school, we had a very special treat from a visitor that came by our school during Easter Break. Can you guess who it is? The EASTER BUNNY! He left chocolate Easter Eggs for every single student at our school. We hid the eggs throughout the school yard and had an Easter Egg Hunt in each class. The kids loved it! You can find pictures below: 

Ao regresar ao colexio, tivemos unha sorpresa moi especial dun visitante que veu pola nosa escola durante as vacacións de Semana Santa. Adiviñades quen é? O COELLIÑO DE PASCUA! Deixou ovos de Pascua de chocolate para cada alumno da nosa escola e tivemos unha búsqueda de ovos por todo o patio de colexio. Aos nenos encantoulles!

Podes ver imaxes a continuación e atopar mais na galería: