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Reto Strava. Escapada extra por Inglaterra

Escapada extra por Inglaterra

Antes de decir adios a la 2º parada de su viaje, nuestro avatar recibió una llamada de última hora. Nuestra profe Amparo quiso presentarle uno de sus lugares favoritos en el mundo, así que rápidamente cogió un tren y para allí que fue. De este nuevo lugar destacar:


 Glastonbury isn’t just about a certain festival on the Eavis’ farm. It’s an ancient town that has links to mythology and spirituality throughout over a 1000 year history. People travel from all over the World to visit and see if they can feel why so many spiritual people have been drawn there.

Glastonbury non é só un festival determinado na granxa dos Eavis. É unha cidade antiga que ten vínculos coa mitoloxía e a espiritualidade ao longo de máis de 1000 anos de historia. As persoas viaxan dende todo o mundo para visitar e ver se poden sentir por que tantas persoas espirituais foron atraídas por este lugar.


 The tower of Glastonbury is also known as the ancient Isle of Avalon, where people from many different faiths have made pilgrimages there for the past 10,000 years. While the tour is not a tough climb, be sure to bring boots with you because it might get muddy and slippery. Also, there's benches all around so you can take a quick rest as you're climbing up to the tower. The walk should be anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, depending how fast you go. But take your time!

A torre de Glastonbury, tamén coñecida como a antiga illa de Avalon, é o lugar onde persoas de moitas confesións peregrinaron alí durante os últimos 10.000 anos. Aínda que a excursión non é unha subida difícil, asegúrate de traer botas contigo porque podes quedar embarrado. Ademais, hai bancos ao redor para que poidas descansar rapidamente mentres subes á torre. A camiñada debe durar entre 15 e 30 minutos, dependendo da velocidade á que vaias. Pero tómate o teu tempo!



According to spiritual lore, a ley line passes right through here. You can think of ley lines as the arteries for planet earth. Except transporting blood, they transport energy. Many ancient beliefs thought that the planet itself was a living, breathing entity. And here in the town of Glastonbury, earth's energy is concentrated and is believed to raise the energy of the heart. This is one of the few places of high energy in the world. Other famous locations being Mount Fuji in Japan and Machu Picchu in Peru.

Segundo a tradición espiritual, unha liña ley pasa por aquí. Podes pensar nas liñas ley como as arterias do planeta Terra. Pero en troques de transportar sangue, transportan enerxía. Moitas crenzas antigas pensaban que o propio planeta era unha entidade viva que respiraba. E aquí, na cidade de Glastonbury, a enerxía terrestre concéntrase e crese que eleva a enerxía do corazón. Este é un dos poucos lugares de alta enerxía do mundo. Outros lugares famosos son o Monte Fuji no Xapón e Machu Picchu no Perú.


 On top, you can find St. Michael's Tower, from where you can see a wide, green expanse of the English countryside. However, before there was the green pastures of sheep farms and taverns, there was just water because this was an actual island, hence the name: Isle of Avalon. Today, you will see thousands of people coming over here every year.

Na parte superior, atópase a Torre de San Miguel, desde onde se divisa unha ampla extensión verde da campiña inglesa. Non obstante, antes de que existisen os verdes pastos das granxas de ovellas e das tabernas, só había auga porque esta era unha illa real, de aí o nome: Illa de Avalon. Hoxe verás que miles de persoas veñen aquí cada ano.


 All along the town's high street, you'll see shops like these that sell crystals, incense, tarot cards, Celtic trinkets, Christian relics, and basically anything you would like that has some spiritual meaning behind it. There's even a pub that has been running here in some capacity since 1439, called George Hotel and the Pilgrim's Inn, originally servicing Christian pilgrims to these holy sites.

Ao longo da rúa principal da cidade, verás tendas como estas que venden cristais, incenso, cartas de tarot, lixos celtas, reliquias cristiás e, basicamente, calquera cousa que che gustaría que tivese algún significado espiritual detrás. Incluso hai un pub que funciona aquí desde 1439, chamado George Hotel and the Pilgrim's Inn, que orixinalmente atendeu aos peregrinos cristiáns a estes lugares sagrados.


A few minutes away is the Chalice Well, a natural spring that originates many meters underground with iron oxide deposits that give the water a reddish hue. According to archaeological evidence, these springs have been in use since the Paleolithic era. However, according to Christian mythology, this marks a site where Joseph of Arimathea placed the chalice that had caught the drops of Christ's blood during the crucifixion. Perhaps the Holy Grail is hiding nearby. People to this day still drink from this spring, a living that holds healing powers that range anywhere from giving you the energy boost to curing terminal illness.

A poucos minutos atópase Chalice Well (oPozo do Cáliz), un manancial natural que nace a moitos metros baixo terra con depósitos de óxido de ferro que dan á auga un ton avermellado. Segundo a evidencia arqueolóxica, estes mananciais estiveron en uso dende o Paleolítico. Non obstante, segundo a mitoloxía cristiá, isto marca un lugar onde Xosé de Arimatea colocou o cáliz que collera as gotas do sangue de Cristo durante a crucifixión. Quizais o Santo Grial se esconda preto. A xente a día de hoxe aínda bebe deste regato, que posúe poderes curativos que van desde darche un impulso enerxético ata curar enfermidades terminais.

Also, regarded as a major event in British culture, we have the Glastonbury Festival (formally Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts and known colloquially as Glasto), a festival is inspired by the ethos of the hippie, the counterculture of the 1960s, and the free-festival movement. It lasts five days and in addition to contemporary music, the festival hosts dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret, and other arts!

Ademais, considerado como un evento importante da cultura británica, temos o Festival de Glastonbury (formalmente Festival de Artes Escénicas Contemporáneas de Glastonbury e coñecido coloquialmente como Glasto), un festival inspirado no ethos do hippie, a contracultura dos anos 60 e a movemento festivo libre. Ten unha duración de cinco días e ademais de música contemporánea, o festival acolle danza, comedia, teatro, circo, cabaret e outras artes!

But not only do we have one of the biggest festivals in the world but also a small magical festival devoted to whom nowadays is considered to be one of the greatestartistic and literary geniuses of the 18th and 19th centuries: The William Blake festival, where people gather to celebrate the artist and visionary William Blake. To read his poetry together at the Market Cross, to sing his words at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms and to listen to original, inspired works at Glastonbury Abbey! And by the way, the band from Limodre, Strange Mystery Flower, played there in 2017!

Pero non só temos un dos festivais máis relevantes do mundo senón tamén un pequeno festival máxico adicado ao que hoxe en día se considera como un dos maiores xenios artísticos e literarios dos séculos XVIII e XIX: o festival de William Blake, onde a xente reúnense para celebrar ao artista e visionario William Blake. Para ler xuntos a súa poesía no Market Cross, para cantar as súas palabras nas salas de reunión de Glastonbury e para escoitar obras orixinais e inspiradas na abadía de Glastonbury. E por certo, a banda de Limodre, Strange Mystery Flower, tocou alí en 2017!

So if you’re looking for a magical, spiritual experience, don’t think twice, go to GLASTONBURY!

Polo tanto, se estás buscando unha experiencia máxica e espiritual, non o penses dúas veces, vai a GLASTONBURY!