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Today is the day! We are going to the theatre in our school!!! And all this thanks to our parents´ association, that finances this event one more year.

Are you ready for a play full of fun? Well, let´s enjoy a modern version of  Robinson Crusoe: she is a champion surfer who lives in Malibu and is swept away by a tsunami to a desert island!!!

Pay close attention because some of the actors can be familiar...

Face2Face is the theatre company which will perform this funny play. They have been coming to our school for more than 10 years and they always surprise us! You have more information about them HERE.

Very many thanks to our ANPA MILNENOS for giving us the chance to learn English in such a fun way. 

Curtain up! Let the play begin!!!!

THEATRE DAY - "Robinson Crusoe" - 20th December 2023



One more year, the English department celebrated the CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY,  an annual charity event hold by the NGO "Save the children" in order to raise funds for the poor. It was first launched in 2012 and it has become extremely popular all over the world. This year it took place on the 18th of December, which was a magical day: all the pupils in year 5 and 6 wore funny festive jumpers to school instead of normal clothes in order to "MAKE THE WORLD BETTER WITH A SWEATER". We also played Secret santa, the game of the month. Would you like to see our faces opening the presents? Take a look...

It was a wonderful day, full of excitement, laughter, fun, unique sweaters and games. 



YEAR 6 - XMAS JUMPER DAY 2023-2024 

YEAR 5 - XMAS JUMPER DAY 2023-2024


This year we will discover some enchanted places, the forests, as a way to participate in the school project of this year 2023-2024. 
Will you join us?

To do so, you need a forest and a walking stick for the walk. And time, you need time to observe. You also need a pair of special glasses. Don´t worry! You already have the glasses, since you were born. With them, you will discover the surprises of the forest. Watch with your 5 senses:

     - See all colours

     - Listen to all creatures

     - Smell all the aromas

     - Touch all surfaces

     -  and try new flavours,  which are different according to the season of the year

Come on! What are you waiting for? Close your eyes and listen to what we have recorded for you.  Have a nice experience!




"The Book Nook" is here again!  We are in the third season and this is the seventh episode of this fascinating radio programme, made for and by students in year 6.

After an entire term of recordings, research, interviews, opinions, meetings and hard work, we have released the first show of this school year 2023-2024. And the results are amazing! Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. 

This season will be entirely dedicated to the project we are developing in our book clubs. Under the title"Globetrotters", we will travel the world with our readings to learn the costumes and traditions of some English speaking countries.

In the presentation below you can listen to the entire programme or go directly to a specific section:

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": a survey section to give your opinion about a simple question

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the place": in this ocassion we will travel to salem, The Witch Town.

5. "Enchanted landscapes": a section related to the PDI, this time we will define the essence of the forests, one of the identity signs of Galicia.

6. "Our natives count": we will listen to a message by the British consul in Galicia, Mrs. Susan Smith.

7. Outro: farewell.

Memoria 2ª Fase


Just one more thing before you leave: let´s take a look at all the hard work that THE PUPILS IN YEAR 5 AND 6 have done through this school year in the English classroom. They have shown their creativity and enthusiasm in every task.  At the bottom of this page there is a compilation of all of them. Good job!






The project "4 in a year" is already finished!!! You remember that we have been working collaboratively about the seasons using the new technologies. Well,  the students in year 5 and year 6 are very proud to present you our last creations, related to SUMMER, which, by the way, we have chosen as our favourite. Can you guess why? Mainly because we are on holidays!!! 

This immersive experience comprises several activities: 

     - a podcast in our school radio station - year 5
     - summer posters - year 6
     - tips for an ecological summer - year 6
     - our classroom display
     - images created with AI (Artificial Intelligence) - year 5
Just 3 days left for the summer holidays! Meanwhile, click in this interactive image to enjoy it:

PDI: "Galicianise yourself"



As you know, the topic of the PDI of this school year is “Galeguízate”  Well, in the English classroom we tried to give it an English “touch” and share it with our friends of a school in Manchester: St. James´ C of E Primary School.

What could we do? Well, first we translated the name of the project into English: “GALICIANISE YOURSELF”. Then we asked for some help to our dear native speakers: Susana Barreiro and Declan Mathews, regular collaborators of our school. Also, we invited Critina Pato and Marc Guscin to come and visit us. Finally, and after some research, we tried to explain our penpals in Manchester who we are. We divided our work in 3 terms:

      1.- During the first term we introduced ourselves as Galicians with the help of Susana Barreiro and Cristina Pato. 

      2.- On the second term we found out more our ancestors, the Celts, with Declan Mathews. 

     3.- And finally, on the third term, we discovered other Coruñas around the world thanks to Marc Guscin.

And we recorded everything in the school radio in some podcasts which we sent to Manchester. And they love our Project! 

Do you want to know more about it? Are you ready for a "Galician experience" in English? Take a look at this presentation: it is full of surprises!




Dentro das actividades do PDI deste curso, "Galeguízate", a semana pasada organizamos un obradoiro de baile galego tradicional dirixido ao alumnado de 5º de Primaria. O baile existíu dende sempre en Galicia, igual que en todos os lugares do mundo: bailar era o xeito relacionarse cos demais, de transmitir tradicións e costumes, de desfrutar e pasalo ben. Está asociado á música e ao canto e forma parte da nosa esencia, das nosas raíces, dos nosos sinais de identidade. Por iso, a danza forma parte do patrimonio cultural inmaterial. Pois ben, 6 alumnos e alumnas de 5º foron os encargados de explicarlles aos seus compañeiros/as a orixe do baile galego, onde e cando se bailaba e que tipos había. Asemade, fixeron unha pequena demostración dos bailes soltos, dos agarrados, das danzas e, por último, fixeron bailar a todos e todas con varios bailes-xogo. Botádelle unha ollada a esta presentación e veredes!


PDI: "Galicianise yourself"



As you know, the topic of the PDI of this school year is “Galeguízate”  Well, in the English classroom we tried to give it an English “touch” and share it with our friends of a school in Manchester: St. James´ C of E Primary School.

What could we do?Well, first we translated the name of the project into English: “GALICIANISE YOURSELF”. Then we asked for some help to our dear native speakers: Susana Barreiro and Declan Mathews, regular collaborators of our school. Also, we invited Critina Pato and Marc Guscin to come and visit us. Finally, and after some research, we tried to explain our penpals in Manchester who we are. We divided our work in 3 terms:

      1.- During the first term we introduced ourselves as Galicians with the help of Susana Barreiro and Cristina Pato. 

      2.- On the second term we found out more our ancestors, the Celts, with Declan Mathews. 

      3.- And finally, on the third term, we discovered other Coruñas around the world thanks to Marc Guscin.

And we recorded everything in the school radio to send some podcasts to Manchester. And they love our Project! 

Do you want to know more about it? Are you ready for a "Galician experience" in English? Take a look at this presentation: it is full of surprises!



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by Dr. Radut