A Ecopatrulla deste ano comezou hoxe coa presentación das súas funcións nas diferentes aulas do colexio. 

A verdade é que estaban moi emocionados e responsabilizados. Temos moita sorte porque sempre que se lles pide axuda aos nosos nenos e nenas para calquera tarefa do centro responden xenial.

Os alumnos das outras clases escoitaron en silencio e con gran atención, polo que imaxinamos que todos/as van facilitar enormemente a tarefa deste grupo de voluntarios/as.

O/as patrulleiros/as deste ano son:

De 6º A: Jorge, Gabriel, Gabriel L, Iago, Uxía, Alexandre e Anass.

De 6º B: Asun, Fátima, Daniela, Silvia, Lía, Brais.

De 6º C: Pablo, Kawan e Adam.



Today our ecological patrol, the "ecopatrol", carried out a presentation activity to the students of the different classrooms. They introduced themselves, they told them about their responsibilities as volunteers and encouraged them to help with the waste management.

They were very excited and motivated with their new duty. We are very lucky because they react incredibly well to any task we ask them to participate in.

The rest of the students listened quietly and carefully, so we truly believe all the pupils will help this group of volunteers.

The ecopatrol volunteers are:

6th grade A: Jorge, Gabriel L., Iago, Uxía, Alexandre and Anass.

6th grade B: Asun, Fátima, Daniela, Silvia, Lía and Brais.

6th grade C: Pablo, Kawan and Adam.