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O IES As Telleiras está inmerso nun proxecto europeo Erasmus + KA 229 co Mary Immaculate High School do País de Gales (2019 / 2021) chamado “Disconnect to Reconnect”.

Coa finalidade de acercar a cultura deste país amigo ao alumnado do noso centro, especialmente aos protagonistas destes dous anos de traballo en común, iremos presentando na nosa páxina web distintos aspectos da realidade cultural, histórica, social e toda a información que consideremos adecuada para que coñezamos en profundidade a cultura do que vai ser o país de acollida na nosa mobilidade europea de outubro 2020.

Usaremos tamén este espazo para darlle sostenibilidade ao noso proxecto, xa que  continuaremos formando ao alumnado do noso centro na realidade galesa unha vez rematado o citado proxecto Erasmus +.

Non hai mellor día para inaugurar esta sección que o día de hoxe, 1 de marzo, no que os galeses celebran o seu patrón, o día de San David.


Population: 3.1 million people. 4.8% of the UK population.

Location: Wales is on the island of Great Britain, to the west of England.

Size: Wales is roughly 20,800 square km in area.

Time Zone: GMT

Currency: Pound Sterling


National Day: St David’s Day, 1 March






National symbols: The dragon, daffodil and leek are three of a number of national symbols.



                           THE DAFFODIL (NATIONAL SYMBOL)


National Anthem: Hen Wlad fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers)

Government: Devolved Government with a First Minister, Cabinet and elected Assembly who meet in the Senedd building in Cardiff Bay.

Language: Welsh and English – Wales is like Galicia a bilingual country.

Cities: There are currently six cities in Wales. Cardiff (Caerdydd in Welsh) the capital city of Wales has a population of around 363,000 and is located on the South East coast. 





To the east lies Newport (Casnewydd) and to the west is Swansea (Abertawe). 

Bangor – on the Menai Strait – overlooks the island of Anglesey, in North West Wales. 

St Davids in Pembrokeshire has a population of under 2000 and is the smallest city in the UK and on 14 March 2012, St Asaph, in North East Wales was awarded city status as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.



blog | by Dr. Radut