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Concluido o proceso de selección, os alumn@s seleccionados para a adxudicación de 2 bolsas de Mobilidade ERASMUS+, Acción K103, do CS de Xestión de Vendas e Espazos Comerciais, son:

  • Beatriz González Rozas
  • Estela Martínez Rodríguez

ERASMUS+ Programme Guide

After Mobility

After finishing the training period of three months, compulsory to get the certificate, the tutor of the firm or company will evaluate all the tasks realized by the pupil and there will be recognition of his achievements. Courses according to the previous legislation and which are currently in a transition period cannot be recognised. So we will certify the mobility through:

•A certificate issued by the school.

•Europass certificate

•Official degree

•Assistance certificate by the company/firm

During Mobility

The incoming students will be fit in the school ordinary life. We will provide any required assistance both to the outgoing and incoming students in the organization of the trip and lodging. The monitoring will be made by e-mail, sms, phone or video conference. There will be a previous scheduling known by all the participants on the project: schedule of commercial visits, projects, the rating of the experience of the work done by the students or satisfaction surveys.

Before mobiIity

In our school we teach an upper-intermediate vocational course on Commercial and Marketing Management, together with two other intermediate vocational courses, according to the curriculum produced by the Spanish Department of Education.

All the subjects are taught in Spanish except Foreign Language which is taken in English.

The globalization of the economy makes the teaching of vocational studies to pay especial attention to foreign languages.


At present in Spain we are going through a reform on the educational curriculum. That is why vocational studies LOE and LOGSE are coexisting and shortly they will all become LOE. We think that there should be the same opportunities for participants, no matter the curriculum, old neither new they are following.

The advanced degree of vocational studies on Commercial and Marketing Management (1400 lessons) will become CS on Sales and Commercial Facilities Management (2000 lessons) according to the Constitutional Law 2/2006.

This mobility programme will be recognised through:


The Erasmus experience is focused to improve both the working experience of students and the knowledge of the official language of the country of destination. Our school has a good relation with different agencies in Malta, which makes easier the good management of the students’ training overseas.



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by Dr. Radut