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blogue deVeiga

Around Shakespeare

Shakespeare's sonnet 1 with comments. mveiga CC BY-SA

O alumnado de 3º A e parte do alumnado de 1º de bacharelato C comentaron o soneto 1 de Shakespeare para celebraren o día do libro.

The Titanic

Did you know the Titanic had been built in Belfast? I'm sure by now you know it sank 100 years ago, it's been everywhere for a few days. Here's a Prezi about this ship.

World Poetry Day

Every March 21st we celebrate World Poetry Day. Why don't you try your writing abilities and send a poem to Amairgin's Blog? Well, you may as well write something for that special person in your life... perhaps they will appreciate a poem better than your teacher Guiño.

Dickens Bicentenary

Charles DickensThis year we are celebrating the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens. There are even some websites created specially for the ocasion, for example. But may be you could try one specially created by Oxford University Press with your teacher.

Presents from Bearsden Academy (Glasgow)

thank you for the presentsComo moitos de vós saberedes, hai varios meses que un grupo de alumnos de 3º de ESO ven carteándose con outro grupo de alumnos de Bearsden Academy. A iniciativa partiu do profesor Gareth Kearney, docente no mencionado centro escolar escocés e antigo lector de inglés no IES Xoán Montes. O alumnado dos dous centros realiza esta actividade coa intención de mellorar a súa expresión escrita (en inglés os galegos e en castelán os escoceses).

O motivo da publicación desta nova non é outro que o de agradecer aos nosos amigos escoceses a recepción dun paquete de regalos: caramelos, galletas, folletos informativos, fotografías, debuxos e un mural onte se nos presentan. Expuxemos o mural na aula de 3º B, mentres os folletos e debuxos están na aula de 3º A. O que non expuxemos foron os caramelos e as galletas, que estaban tan deliciosos que non duraron moito.


Learn something new everyday: St. Patrick's Day

presidential flagWell, I know I don't write a lot in this section called Veiga's blogue and I know we don't have a section called "learn something new everyday", but today is a special day and we must celebrate St. Patrick's Day. So, here's the question I think will be new for you:

St. Patrick's Day

Though for many Spanish university students this day just means drinking beer, there's something else in St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick is supposed to have died on 17 March 461. That is why his feast is celebrated on this day... but why should I say anything else if you can find all the information about St. Patrick searching the web?

30th January

gandhiOn 30 January 1948, Gandhi
was shot while having his nightly public walk on the grounds of the
Birla Bhavan (Birla House) in New Delhi. Let's read today a few lines
of his thought:

"I accept the interpretation of Ahimsa
namely that it is not merely a negative state of harmlessness but it is
a positive state of love, of doing good even to the evil-doer. But it
does not mean helping the evil-doer to continue the wrong or tolerating
it by passive acquiescence. On the contrary, love, the active state of
Ahimsa, requires you to resist the wrong-doer by dissociating yourself
from him even though it may offend him."

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

martin luther kingEighty years ago Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America. He was an activist for human rights and against racism and he used non violent means to conquer these purposes. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964. His birthday is celebrated in the USA to commemorate his work in favor of civil rights on the third Monday every year. But not only in the USA, Hiroshima celebrates King's birthday unifying the city's call for peace and King's message of human rights.

Just ten years against thousands of years

stop violenceTen years ago, on 17th December 1999, the United Nations decided to designate 25th November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Long before that, as early as 1981, women activists had marked this day as a day against violence remembering the assassination of the three Mirabal sisters in 1960. Ten years later, in 1991, two years after a great women masacre, a small group of Canadian men started the White Ribbon campaign to try to persuade men to speak out against violence against women. When the United Nations designated 25th November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the white ribbon became a symbol for the day.
However, as the title for this post reads, women have been suffering violence for thousands of years and a lot more has to be done to reach a fair and equal relation between men and women. Each of us plays an important role in this social change. Let's play a fair part.
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by Dr. Radut