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3º ESO - Segunda tarea - 16 Abril


¿Qué tal estáis? Espero que bien.

Aquí va la segunda tarea, que va a ser de repaso, aunque próximamente empezaremos a ver también cosas nuevas.

Primero tenéis que contestar a algunas preguntas y hacer vosotros alguna pregunta. En una segunda parte, repasamos make or do? en combinación con tiempos verbales. Van numeradas como I y II respectivamente.


I - Answer these questions in English. Give full answers.

a) What were you doing at 8 o'clock yesterday evening? (Tienes que usar un Past Continuous en tu respuesta)

b) How long have you known your best friend(s)? (Tienes que usar un Present Perfect, y una expresión de tiempo con for si te refieres a un período de tiempo, o since, un punto o momento en el tiempo)

c) Do you miss going to school? Why? Why not?

d) Ask me a question that starts with How long have you ______ed ...?


II - Fill in the blanks with make or do. You also have to put the verb in the correct tense.

a) John worked hard and ____________ his best at his job.

b) Sorry, I've ____________ a terrible mistake.

c) I really must ____________ some more exercise.

d) John ____________ a decision to take the bus, but he was late in the end and missed it.

e) Could you possibly ____________ me a favour and bring a dictionary to the lesson?

f) They offered him a job and said he had until Monday to ____________ up his mind.

g) She loved university and ____________ lots of friends.


Esto es todo. Podéis enviarlo a la siguiente dirección:

Hasta pronto,


page | by Dr. Radut